Under a floating rate, a change in the interest rate has quite a powerful effect on the exchange rate and, through the trade balance, has a much bigger effect on the level of economic activity. 但在浮动汇率制下,利率的转变对汇率有着强有力的影响,并经由过程贸易收收对经济勾当的程度有借要大很多的影响。
Advertisement of manual of announcement of announcement of sent price-list, sale, invite public bidding, raise capital by floating shares, trade belong to should invite about. 寄送的价目表、拍卖公告、招标公告、招股说明书、商业广告等都属于要约邀请。
Floating rates create the temptation for governments to drive down their currencies and grab a bigger share of world trade. 浮动汇率给政府带来了压低自身货币币值并获得更大世界贸易份额的诱惑。
Without these structural changes, if the currency were floating and convertible ( no capital controls), the outcome is most likely to be continued high savings, a trade surplus matched by an outflow of private savings to foreign investments and slow growth. 如果不进行这些结构性改革,而实现人民币的浮动和可兑换(即停止资本管制),结果很可能是储蓄和贸易盈余继续高企、私人储蓄流向海外投资领域,而经济增长缓慢。
Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; 统保单对出口贸易至关重要。
Floating exchange rates are unsettling to world trade today. 今天浮动汇率对国际贸易起着不稳定作用。
But another perverse idea floating around Capitol Hill is to limit stimulus-related purchases to countries that have signed the World Trade Organisation's agreement on government procurement. 然而,国会山上下还回荡着另一种固执己见的声音,即有关刺激方案的购买合同,只能面向已签订世贸组织有关政府采购协定的国家。
However, in a floating exchange rate system, Japan achieves manipulation indirectly through maintaining artificially low short-term interest rates and tacitly supporting the so-called "carry trade", which helps to keep the yen low. 然而,尽管实行的是浮动汇率体制,日本却通过人为地将短期利率保持在低水平,暗中支持有助于压低日元汇率的所谓套利交易,间接实现了对汇率的操纵。
That mission seems frivolous floating the paper, to the American slave trade freely decide their destiny is totally different. 那团看来轻飘飘的纸卷,给了美国黑奴自由,决定了他们完全不同的命运。
As for the floating cargo, a special trade, goods risk's transfer is still settled by goods delivering time, which shows signing contract in formal, and seller still has responsibilities for specialization of goods and the limited quality guarantee to transfer goods risk. 对于海上路货这种特殊交易,货物的风险仍以货物交付时间来决定转移时间,但形式上表现为合同的订立。卖方仍负货物特定化和有限的品质保证责任来转移货物的风险。
They believe that the frequent fluctuation of nominal and real exchange rates under the floating exchange rate regime will inevitably lead to the reduction in the volume of international trade. 他们认为,浮动汇率制度下名义汇率和实际汇率的频繁波动将不可避免地导致国际贸易量的减少。
From 1994, our country has set up single floating exchange rate system with management which is based on market supply and demand. This makes the alteration of exchange rate of RMB has more remarkable impact on China's trade development. 1994年起,我国建立起了以市场供求为基础、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制度,这使人民币汇率变动对我国贸易发展的影响更加显著。
X-ray power crescendo in China today, the prosperity of safety crisis floating, finance, information, trade, industry, ecology, personnel security issues have become increasingly prominent. 透视国力渐强的今日中国,在繁荣中安全危机浮动,金融、信息、贸易、产业、生态、人才等安全问题日益凸显。
Because of many floating population of Kunming, thus led the amount of the cost trade in this city increase. 流动人口较多,从而带动了本市小成本贸易交易量的提升。
In a managed floating exchange rate objective, the trade surplus makes the money supply increase. 在汇率自由浮动的目标下,贸易顺差增加并不会导致货币供给的被动增加。汇率会根据市场的需要自动进行调整,达到市场均衡时所需的均衡汇率水平。
Traditional securities brokerage business is facing very serious challenges, floating commission system, after the accession to the WTO, the gradual disappearance of trade barriers, increase in the main competition, the regulatory regime change, have made the securities brokerage business increasingly intense competition. 当前传统证券经纪业务正面临极其严峻的挑战,浮动佣金制,加入WTO后,行业壁垒的逐渐消失,竞争主体的增加,监管制度的变革等,都使得证券经纪业务竞争日趋白热化。
Economic links between China and foreign countries will be transformed into profound international investments and production elements internationally floating and allocating from simple international trade. 我国与世界各国特别是WTO成员国的经济联系将从以国际贸易为主的浅层次联系向以国际投资生产及生产要素国际流动配置为基础的深层次联系转变。
But that is a hot topic for theorists if the floating of the exchange rate under floating exchange rate system would impact the total trade amount of China. 但是浮动汇率制度的实施是否会影响我国进出口贸易,尤其是进出口贸易总额,一直是理论争论的焦点。